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Amsterdam mommy life :)

Fake eyelashes will help me to keep my eyes open a bit more tonight. Didn’t have a full night sleep since 5th of August 2017, since the day you – my precious miracle, enlightened my world… Was looking at you sitting on my belly in a bathtub today… the “line negra” directly pointing at you, almost faded, like an ancient map with lost clues and already found treasures, you are huge… laughter swings from me to you in waves and I see beautiful white sparkles in your open mouth. You bit my nipple today. It was not funny by the way. I have two life’s: one- when you are awake and one when you are asleep. Shhh I just put you to bed and I deserve to have some fun now 

🙂 I will be back just before you wake up, our timeline overlap and you won’t even notice… Missing you already

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