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Motherhood x

I think this was the scariest thing I had with you so far. Going to the hospital in 🚑 in the middle of the night. I had one mili second to decide and when I saw your fever had gone to 40,8 and you started shaking, I just shivered paracetamol pill, wrapped you in wet towel and called the ambulance. You was never sick, I breastfed you for 18 months and so we skipped all of that I guess… By the time ambulance came you was safely mumbling in my arms, could of slept probably, but I wouldn’t know what to do if your fever would gotten that high again and so I went on “adventure” with you. I have learned so much from last night… Was almost weird to get in a taxi 4am with you. Both exhausted, holding hands with you and your monkey, you fell asleep on my chest & I carried you all the way to bed and spend quite some time just looking at you. I really know what loving with all your heart is… ❤️

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