Modelling & acting made me a better photographer as I know what it’s like to be in your shoes.
My most remarkable and most “traumatizing” session was when Photographer was just looking at me, not giving any directions, not really talking, just saying “no” and “no” and “no” after I tried my “best looks”…
That photoshoot literally made me feel like a little lamb being slotted by the camera lens.
It made me feel small, made me conscious about my body, my looks, my presence, me in general.
I was super young and not so free back then haha (don’t get me wrong, @youngandfree photographer was awesome & handsome, talking about the shoot about 10 years ago).
Basically, it reflected me not feeling good about myself, so… I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL.
And I know how the lens can magnify bad and good and I am there to magnify the best version of you, to empower, to give you a big cuddle, guide, direct, give you personal attention and capture the most powerful version of you that can gracefully land in your life today. I GOT YOU!
Yours in light & in dark,
Maria Cavali
Master Photographer & Creative Lead, Femme Photo